August 24 to 26 @ University of British Columbia
Cos & Effect is an annual costume, cosplay, and alternative fashion convention that takes place in Vancouver BC. Featuring workshops, informational and fan-run panels, contests, competitions, dances, special guests, artists, vendors, and more. Unleash your creativity!Impression
After being to this convention, the major difference I felt from Anime Revolution 2012 is the panels. It has way more rooms for an overall positive interaction with people. Although there people who been to other cons find panels boring, this convention is nothing like that. Most of the panels are very well planned. I am very impressed with panels, especially the one about pokemon. It completely changes my childhood impression. I didn't know the game can be this interesting. They seriously did an excellent job in those panels. I enjoyed the panels with my fullest energy to the end when I finally accidentally fell asleep in the panel room on the second day. I actually felt bad for to leave the panel before it ended. Overall, the convention is still a lot of fun despite the fact that there aren't a lot of vendors and main events. The panels are worth the money.Who did we find here?
We found Derick Chiou from Prince of Wales Anime Club!
Anime: Steins;Gate
Character: Rintarou Okabe